(Oreas Canna)
An antelope
of central and south Africa, the largest of the group, which has sometimes bred
in Britain. It is a plump, strong, ox-like animal, stands about six feet high
at the shoulders, and has a predominantly light-brown color, varying to reddish
above and yellowish below
The horns
present in both sexes, are about a foot and half long, straight or slightly
bent, and bear a spiral keel. There is a marked dewlap on the throat of the
bull, and a dark short man from the forehead backwards. The tail is ox like,
and ends in a tuff of black hair. The eland lives in small herds, especially on the treeless flats; it can attain
considerable speed, and must be hunted on horseback. It is locally known as the
Impoof or Impoofoo. The flesh is said to surpass beef, and the hide is also
much valued. On account of its value it is becoming fast scarce.
9source: CE
v4 248)
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