
Showing posts from January, 2014

Colour schemes for .bat output

These are the keywords for colour schemes in .bat f iles. while coding the format is: color  [background][font] for example : color 02 here the output contains background colour as black and the font colour as green The first set is for the background colour  and the second set is for the font colo ur 0-black           8-grey 1-blue            9-light blue 2-green          A-green 3-aqua            B-aqua 4-red              C-red 5-purple          D-purple 6-yellow           E-yellow 7-white             F-white


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A SIMPLE PROGRAMME TO GENERATE RANDOM NUMBERS IN YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN USING SIMPLE NOTEPAD You might have seen in many movies, the screen of a computer hacker having random numbers running in an interesting way. This can be established in your pc screen also. You can just show off in front of your friends. Just follow these simple methods. 1) open notepad 2) type these codes   @echo off color 02 :start echo %random% %random% %random% random% %random% goto start 3) now save your file .but while saving make note that you change the extension from .txt to .bat .bat is a file extension and this kind of files is called as batch operating files. These files run in command prompt window. 4) Now an icon will be created in the place you have saved. Now double click on the icon. Now you will see the random numbers running on your screen.


ELDER (Sambucus) A genus of plants of the natural order Caprifoliaceae, sub-order Sambuceae, consisiting chiefly of shrubs and trees, with pinnate leaves, small flowers of which   the corolla is wheel-shaped and 5-cleft, and 3-seeded berries. The species are very widely distributed- the common elder, the Bourtree of the scotch, is a native of Europe, the north of Asia, and the north of Africa. It is found in all parts of Britain. It is a very large shrub, sometimes a small tree, with rather large leaves, and large terminal cymes of cream colored flowers, which are followed by small black-or rarely whitish-berries. Its leaves and young shoots diffuse a narcotic odour , and it is said to be dangerous to sleep under its shade. The young leaf-buds are so violently purgative to be considered dangerous. the inner bark has a biter acrid taste.


ELAND (Oreas Canna) An antelope of central and south Africa, the largest of the group, which has sometimes bred in Britain. It is a plump, strong, ox-like animal, stands about six feet high at the shoulders, and has a predominantly light-brown color, varying to reddish above and yellowish below The horns present in both sexes, are about a foot and half long, straight or slightly bent, and bear a spiral keel. There is a marked dewlap on the throat of the bull, and a dark short man from the forehead backwards. The tail is ox like, and ends in a tuff of black hair. The eland lives in small herds, especially  on the treeless flats; it can attain considerable speed, and must be hunted on horseback. It is locally known as the Impoof or Impoofoo . The flesh is said to surpass beef, and the hide is also much valued. On account of its value it is becoming fast scarce. 9source: CE v4 248)


TEMPLE OF EDFU (Egypt) ( View of the temple at Edfu, from the top of the pylon) A town of Upper Egypt. Is situated on the left bank of the Nile. It contains the remains of two temples, the larger of which is the best preserved monuments of its kind in Egypt. It was founded by Ptolemy IV Philapator rather more than two centuries before Christ, and added to by his successor down to Ptolemy XIII Dionysus, a period of 170 years. The general plan of the temple resembles that of Dendera.  Its length is 451 feet, the breadth of its facade is 250   feet. Its entrance is by a gateway 50 feet high, between two immense truncated pylons, 37 feet wide at the base, and 115 feet high, the whole surface covered with sculptures and inscriptions in low relief. This splendid facade is visible from a great distance, and is one of the most commanding sights in the Nile valley. Passing through this entrance , a court is reached; it is 161 feet long, and 140 feet wide, enclosed...


DORY (Zeus) A genus of bony fishes in the Mackerel family. The body is high and laterally compressed; The scales are very small or absent; the dorsal fins bears nine or ten spines. And there are bony plates at the roots of the dorsal and anal fins, and on the ventral surface. The best known of the six species is the John Dory found in the Mediterranean and of the Atlantic coast of Europe. The name is possibly a corruption of jaune doree , which well describes the prevalent yellowish color and ,metallic sheen. According, however, to Skeat, the ‘john’ is merely the ordinary English name. the color is sometimes olive-brown, and there are two dark patches on the sides, which are fancifully interpreted as the marks of the apostle peter’s fingers. Others have referred the marks to St Christopher. The Johny Dory disputes with the chimaeras the title of kings of herrings. (source: CE v4 64(A))


DODO (Didus ineptus) A large bird which used to inhabit Mauritius, but became extinct sometime after 1681. It appears to have allied to the pigeons, was a little larger than a turkey, and incapable of flight. Our knowledge of the bird is derived from the reports of the travelers, from pictures, and above all from the skeletons  dis-entombed  in 1866. It appears also to have been sometimes brought alive to Europe. The bill was large, longer than the head, and covered for half its length by naked soft skin. The end of the bill was hooked and turned downwards. The wings and the tail were rudimentary. The feathers seem to have been grey , with yellow on the wings and tail. The legs were short, thick, and scaly. It probably lived in the thick, tropical woods, and fed on vegetable materials. The extermination seems to be have rapidly followed by the Dutch colonization of Mauritius. The bird was helpless and stupid, and withal good for eating. The hungry domestic ...


IS THERE THE SIGN OF A LOST EYE IN OUR BRAIN?? It is quite true that there is a part of the brain which is supposed by very learned men, who have studied the brains of all kinds of animals, to represent an eye which occupied the position of the middle line of the head right in the  center   This structure is still present in animals today, and in man himself, although it has no longer any function belonging to sight. But, curiously enough, there still exists in the far-off country of NewZealand a lizard whose proper name is Sphenodon, in which the central eye is so near the surface that it can still be affected by rays of light. This curious creature-a cousin of the great dinosaur of the prehistoric world-seems to be the only remaining animal in the world in which this eye exists. It is thought, therefore, that some animals had originally one eye in the middle, and that as they evolved into more complex creatures the one eye has become separated into two a right...


WHY CAN WE HEAR A NOISE LIKE WAVES IN A SEA SHELL?? The pretty idea in this question is just a poet’s fancy, and nothing more. For the truth is that we only imagine a likeness between the sound of the shell and the sound of the sea.  Really the shell is one of those things which can pick up and make stringer certain kinds of sounds. The wooden part of a fiddle does this; if you take it away and play on the strings without it they make a feeble, thin, unpleasant tone. The things that make sound resound are called resonators. This resonators work on the principle that when an object is made to vibrate with a frequency same as that theirs they vibrate with higher amplitude. This applied  frequency  is called as resonant frequency. What the shell picks up are the very slight sound going all about us. It is never really quite quiet, and the shells picks up sound so slight that we do not hear them  at all without shell.  The shell is only a telephone, ...


WHY DOES AN ONION MAKES OUR EYES WATER?? Our eyes are really watering all the time, that is to say, we are producing tears that pass over the eyeball and keep it clean. That is why we blink, to carry the tears that appear under the upper lid over the surface of the eye. These tears escape into the nose. We say that our eyes water when the tears form so quickly that they cannot escape quickly enough, because then we see them water. Onions give off something to the air which excites the ends of the nerves of smell in the nose, and also excites the ends of the nerves of the touch in the eyeball and eyelids, and so send a message  to the brain telling the  tear-glands to make tears quickly; and then we say that our eyes water. There is use in this, for the rapid flow of tears helps to protect the eyelids and the eyeball from the stuff the onions give off. In people who, for some reason, cannot produce tears, such things as onions will make the eyes smart severely, ...


      WHERE DO BATS GO IN THE DAYTIME?? Bats are what we call nocturnal creatures; they sleep during the day and are active at night. So are many other animals. Nearly all the wild deer are, and the lions and tigers and leopards. These larger creatures can see by day. But the bats cannot. They are as blind in the sunlight as the dormouse. Therefore, as they would be helpless if a cat or a big bird were to see them by day, they would hide away in dark places. In all the church towers, in corner and underground passages, in little openings under the roofs of houses.—there the bats hang by day. There is an enormous cave in Kentucky (is a state located in the east-south central region of the United States) in which millions of bats are to be found, sheltering while the sun is shining. (source:TBOK v7 48909(A))


THE RAINBOW FISH THAT LURES ITS ENEMY TO DESTRUCTION Superb colors adorn many of the fish, and here we do get a clue to purpose. Those most highly-colored are generally unfit for human food. In some cases we find that the dazzling beauty is a decoy fish, which, when pursued, darts into the interior of a massive sea anemone, followed by its foe. The little rainbow fish is unharmed in that gloomy fleshy cavern, but the fish which pursues it   is paralyzed and digested by its host. The handsome lure remains inside while digestion takes place, but afterwards escapes. That is an outstanding example of co-operation, and the water team with them. The hungry shark has its guide, or companion, in the little pilot fish which precedes or follows it, as the hyena precedes or follows the lion. (source: TBOK v7 4857)


What makes the HEART  BEAT?? It would take a big book to do justice to this question. We know positively that the heart can and does beat in an independent way quite apart from the brain or the rest of the body. The heart of a frog or a bird  or a rabbit, for a instance, can be completely cut out of the body, and will lie beating in the hand for a long time. This proves that what starts the heart beat is in the heart, even though we know the brain can make the heart beat faster or slower, or can even stop it, When we examine the heart of any animal, we find that it has a large number of nerve cells. If we cut a heart to pieces, any part which is cut away from  the nerve cells stops beating, but any part which has nerve cells in it will go on beating until the heart dies from lack of energy. It is very interesting that the heart will go on beating for so long. If we attach tubes to the heart in place of the blood vessels, and send fluids through it containi...


WHY DOES A DUCK KEEP DRY IN THE WATER?? There are really several reasons. For one thing, the feathers which cover the body of the duck are so thick that the water on which the duck is floating does not come in contact with the air underneath the feather, so that the skin of the duck is kept dry and warm. But this would not be enough by itself. There is a structure called a gland, which has an opening in the back of the duck near the tail. The business of this gland is to secrete  oil, and a quite a lot of oil is produced from it. This oil is used by the duck to smear over its feathers to make them extremely smooth and slippery. Now, it is a very curious thing that oil and water will not mix, and so the duck, or any other water bird, having covered its feathers with a thin layer of this oil, prevents the water from wetting this feathers. (source:TBOK v7)


Would The Earth seem to be up in the Sky if we were on the moon?? The earth is a ball, and anyone looking out from the surface of that ball gets the notion, of course, that he is in the center of all things, and that they are hung in the sky on all sides of him. We see things up in the sky, and not down in the sky, because earth interferes with our view. If the earth were transparent, we should see the sun and sky, underneath our feet, just as now we see them up in the sky. This must be true not only of the earth but of any other heavenly bodies. Up and down have no real meaning in them, but merely refer to our point of view. The earth, seen from the moon would appear far larger than the moon does to us, and correspondingly bright. There would be no mistaking the difference between land and the ocean. Through telescopes the largest buildings of a city would be made out. The greatest difference would be , perhaps, that an observer on the moon would so often find the detail...


Location: kasaragod,kerala PC:Kirodian clicks


Are you finding difficult to find log of a number??Is your college not allowing using scientific calculators in exam hall?? Then let me teach you a simple method to find a log of a number using simple calculators. There are only simple steps to follow….. Step 1: enter a number Step 2: now determine the 15 th square root of the same number. Step 3: subtract “1” from the answer you get. Step 4: now divide the answer you get by” 0.000070274” That’s it...You get the log of a number using a simple calculator.


Many of us have internet enabled phones nowadays. but we are restricted to browse each and every sites available due to many reasons. One of the hefty reason is the compatibility of our phone. so the best way is, to access the phone internet on our pc. There are several methods to do this. One of them is connecting over Bluetooth modem. If your pc and phone supports Bluetooth then you can easily use your phone as your modem. These are the simple steps how to establish the connection. 1. Pair your phone with your pc* 2. Install device drivers.(device drives are available in your phone manufacture websites) 3. Go to control panel>>select network and internet 4. Click network and sharing center>>setup a new connection>>setup a dial up connection 5. Now your pc asks for a ISP number. This can be determined from your service providers 6. Now press dial and enjoy your mobile internet in your pc Note: While Selecting  the modems from “phone and modem”...